Secondary Level
As a School, we take care of students, so that they can live a full adolescence and, in this way, have the resources to develop, sustain, or recreate their life projects, not only through the acquisition of academic content but, fundamentally, by means of a solid training in values and skills.
The accompaniment of each educational trajectory is key. The teaching, management, and school orientation teams know, address, and keep track of the trajectory of each young person in relation to their progress in the processes of content acquisition, study skills, and their own metacognitive processes.
We also approach the reflection on the expected behaviors for personal care, care for others, and care for the environment with teachers, students, and parents, providing the foundations to our Institutional Coexistence Agreement.
This contributes to generating a favorable coexistence climate for learning: respect for oneself, among peers, responsibility and care for things, as well as punctuality and class attendance, together and mainly with the value and care of the life for happiness.
The activity of the secondary level is extended in two extracurricular proposals: the Missionary Group and the Alumni Center.
Missionary Group
It is an initiative to hold a space for the personal, spiritual, and community development of the students of the last years of Middle School.
This Group has a pastoral and solidarity purpose and we organize small local solidarity activities, as well as an annual mission to a community in need.

Alumni Center
It is a space to continue accompanying our graduates as they build their own life projects.
We implement actions that enable continuity in their growth and development process in the following areas: Study, Work, Personal Development, Belonging, and Life Projects.

Let’s stay in touch
- Pasteur 5350, (CP 1646) San Fernando
- Phone: 5067-3099/3100
COLEGIO MADRE TERESA – COPYRIGHT 2019. Diseñado por Synpsis C.I.