Free, high quality education for the most vulnerable children and youth

About Colegio Madre Teresa

Colegio Madre Teresa is a free non-profit socio-educational institution specialized in the work with the most vulnerable children, youth and their families, supporting them comprehensively to help them break the cycle of poverty.

It provides a high-quality pedagogical model with full-day, high-quality education, health, nutritional, pedagogical and social assistance, and pastoral accompaniment. It integrates even more children through after-school educational programs in the areas of Culture, Sport and Youth in Development (Study and Work).

Founded in 2003 and still led by Father Juan Pablo Jasminoy, Colegio Madre Teresa is supported by the joint contribution of: the State, businesses, foundations, individual donors, and pupils´ families.
El Colegio Madre Teresa es una institución socioeducativa gratuita especializada en el trabajo con los niños más vulnerables

Social Mission

To promote the capabilities of boys, girls, and their families through education, sports, and culture programs to improve their quality of life and contribute to community development.

Social Vision

We hope to contribute to the creation of a fairer and more equitable society. We want to see that opportunities for comprehensive education are crystallized in the most vulnerable neighborhoods, particularly for boys, girls, and adolescents.

Mother Theresa’s charisma

Her life and her teachings inspire and permeate our actions

“Today, it is fashionable to talk about the poor. Unfortunately, it is not fashionable to talk with them.” (Mother Teresa)

The other, with his or her own needs, is the one who offers the potential for transformation. We profoundly believe that our boys, girls, and youth have all the capabilities to reach their full potential. We must talk and listen to them. And from that place of worth and protagonism of those who suffer, we assert that education offers a road for growth; from love, service, and austerity as the principles of our Saint Mother Teresa and the educational proposal
El Colegio Madre Teresa es una institución socioeducativa gratuita especializada en el trabajo con los niños más vulnerables
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” (Mother Teresa)

Let’s stay in touch

COLEGIO MADRE TERESA – COPYRIGHT 2019. Diseñado por Synpsis C.I.

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